"What's Up" at Town and Country Schnoodles
This will be a place where from to time to time I will post up-dates & pictures on what's been going on here at Town and Country Schnoodles & our home.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
~* Henely *~ Up-Date Cont'd.
Hi Donna,
Wanted to let you know that we had Henley neutered today. They have told me to keep him calm for the next 10 days but that is somewhat of a joke as he has been trying to run around like a wild child. His energy level seems to be really high since he has been home. I am trying to keep him calm though. Anyway, attached (if I figure out to attach it) please find the receipt for the operation. As I said in my last email, thanks for such a wonderful puppy. He is truly a great addition to our family. Take care and i will update pictures next month. Beat always, Gloria
Monday, January 30, 2006
~*Winston*~ Up-Date
Hello Donna,
I hope you and your family are well. We are happy to report that Winston (A Jazabelle Pup) is thriving in his new home. He is playful and loving and probably the smartest dog we’ve ever had. He is up to date on his vaccinations and will be getting his rabies shot at 5 months when he is scheduled to be neutered. He had his first hair cut last week and has a schnoodle style. He begins puppy training in February so we’re excited to be doing that with him.
Now I must brag about how smart he is – he is already walking on a leash, which he learned in a few days. Not perfect, but good enough to start. He learned to go in and out the pet door in about 5 tries. He was more adventurous on that one because it meant he could follow Larry the cat to the back yard. He’s even got the connection between the pet door and the freedom to relieve himself so, if Ed and I aren’t immediately available, he’ll go outside himself. All this and he’s not even 4 months old!
Anyway, we love him very much and so does everyone that meets him. Our pet sitter comes at mid-day on Fridays and she really thinks he’s special. The pictures attached are close-ups of Winston and one of him and Larry staring out the window.
Best Regards,
Lesa Wright & Ed Crawford
Friday, January 27, 2006
~* Henley*~ Up-date
Dear Donna,
Sorry we have not been in touch....I am sure you know how it goes! Henley ( A Jazabelle Pup) is doing fine as you can see from the attached pictures. We have had some differences of opinion as to who is boss, however, with the puppy class he is attending I think he is beginning to realize that he is not in charge of the humans!
He is the sweetest (most of the time) little darling and we are very thrilled to call him ours. Everyone who sees him falls in love with him. I will take him tomorrow to have his third set of shots and discuss having him neutered. I am hoping they can do this early next week so that he will be happy to return to his next puppy class on Sunday.
As you can see by the attached photos, he is growing nicely and is a beautiful puppy. He is full of energy and loves nothing more than going out with the kids to play. Frankly I think it is too cold but he and the kids seem to love playing outside. I cannot believe how fast he learns things. He can do so many things and of course the treat he gets helps to motivate him but he is one smart puppy! He loves to chew on everything and I say this as I have just removed a screwdriver from his mouth...where he found that I will never know.
Anyway, in closing I just want to say thank you again for blessing us with such a wonderful addition to our family.
Take care and best to you all, Gloria Radin
Thursday, January 26, 2006
~* Jake *~ Up-date
Donna~ Sorry I haven't been in touch, busy with the holidays. Wanted to let you know that Jake (A Sophie Pup) got neutered on 1/23/06. Please let me know if you need something from the vet confirming this. He is doing wonderful, surgery didn't stop his spunk. He has the most amazing personality, we all love him. He was already 14 pounds three weeks ago, I sorry I haven't sent pictures but I don't have a digital camera. I'm hoping that we can send you something soon because the girls got digital cameras and they actually know how to use them, I confess I don't. That's about it for now, talk with you soon.
Joanne McPherson
* A Note To All Puppy Families:
Yes, When you get a free minute please send us a copy of the spay/neutered form that shows the surgery has been completed that you get from your vet - Thank you : )
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
~* Lucy Ricardo *~ Up-Date
Hi Donna,
Happy New Year !!!
I hope that you and your family are doing well. Lucy (A Sophie Pup) is doing great. She was just spayed yesterday and everything went well. She was a little out of it last night, but she is a happy pup today. I am mailing the invoice to you for your records. Please let me know if you need anything else.
Also, I attached a picture that was taken around the holidays. She has had a haircut since then & I'll send you a more recent picture soon.
We have also been watching the web site to see all of the adorable new puppies. You seem to have your hands full !!
Take Care.
Mary & family
"Happy 2nd. Birthday"
We would like to wish A Very Happy & Healthy 2nd. Birthday to
A Wonderful Bunch Of Lucky Puppies
~*Bandit, Maggie, Greta & Bella*~!
~*Bandit, Maggie, Greta & Bella*~!
~* Happy "2nd." Birthday Bandit *~
Hi Donna, I cant believe that Bandit (A Lucky Pup) is going to be 2 tomorrow . Would you believe he just had a bath, He has more bad hair days than any woman in her life time. But what can I say he is the love of my life .I have more fun with him. Everywhere I go people say where Bandit.In lowes they know him by name. I cant Thank You enough for such a wonderful companion. The cat till remains out on the closed in patio because he just wants to play and she doesnt want any part of it. But we live with that,and bring him in on a leash so he doesnt jump on her shes so little. Thanks again Fondly Julia Don Bandit
~* Happy "2nd." Birthday Bella *~
Hi Donna – it’s hard to believe that Bella (A Lucky Pup) will be 2 tomorrow. As with everything in life the past 2 years have gone so fast. I know I’ve told you this in the past, but Bella is just so adorable. She is so smart and mischievous at the same time. She is very friendly and loves people. If you come to my house and don’t say hello to her she jumps up and down in front of you like a rabbit. She knows our habits at home so well and sometimes is even two steps ahead of us because she anticipates our next moves – especially when my husband is making his breakfast. She knows just by the sound of the bowl that cereal is coming out and she also knows that before his last spoonful he goes over to her bowl and gives her a little treat. She will sit next to her bowl waiting for her portion. We’ve stopped crating her and at night she makes herself nice and comfortable in our room. She really is a part of our family and we love her very much. We’ve contemplated getting another puppy so she has a playmate, but right now it’s still in the “thinking” stages. If we do, we’ll be sure to let you know. Thanks again for helping to make our family complete with Bella!
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Happy New Year ~*Skipper*~
Hi, how are you? Hope all is well with you and your family. Hope your Christmas and New Year was nice. Sorry for taking forever to get back to you. We had a very busy Christmas and New Year, with out-of-town guest. Anyway, Skipper (A Sophie Pup) is doing great! We just love him. Everyone else does as well. He is such a well behaved puppy. We have already taught him a few commands, like sit and stay. He does very well. He enjoys walking around the neighborhood with me. We walk 2 to 3 miles a day. So he gets plenty of exercise. He is a true joy to have around. He did get neutered on the 3rd of Jan. He did very well. Today he had his stitches removed, and he did great with that also. We just want to thank you for this great addition to our family. I don't remember our lives without him.
Michelle Kwolek
Monday, January 16, 2006
~*Belle*~ Pistorino Up-Date
Hi Donna,
Long time no e-mail. I know I have been so busy. The new litters are great. It is always to fun to watch for new pictures. I thought I would drop you a line since I noticed your comment regarding the size of the puppies at maturity. Either Spencer or Zoe must have bigger genes than appears. Belle who is from Zoe's second litter weighs in twice your projected weight of ten pounds. She is over 20 pounds and 16 inches at her front shoulder. Not an ounce of fat on her. Doctor said she looks great.I'm sure at this point she is as big as she will get, but quite a surprise.I would be curious to know how big her siblings got.
Take care,Terri
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Diamond Puppy Food Recall - "Thanks Erin"
We used to use Diamond Puppy food awhile back, So any families who might still be feeding that food please take note:
I remembered that this was the puppy food that Roxy came with and wanted to see if you were aware of the recall? We feed her Authority brand now but I just wanted to make sure I shared the story just in case you hadn’t heard yet.
Hope you are doing well. I have also attached a family Christmas picture. This is our first in North Carolina.
Here is the link for the recall:
God Bless,
Mister Perfect ~*Pascha*~
I hope that you and your family had a great Christmas and New Year! I am sorry that it took so long for me to respond, but I wanted to send a picture of Pascha (A Gidget Pup) and it is tough to get him to stay in one place for very long! It's hard to believe that he is almost 2 years old. We love him so much, he is so cute and loving. This year, my daughter went away to college so he had been great company for me. She misses him a lot and has two pictures in her dorm room that get a lot of comments from everyone who sees them. They all think he is absolutely adorable, as we do.
As you can see from the picture, Pascha loves the snow. He runs and digs in it; he actually dug up his toy which had been buried under the last snowfall. He loves his new toys that he got for Christmas, including ones from his friends, Trudy, Marley, and Jackson.
I enjoy checking your website and looking at all the new puppies, all of them are so cute.
Hope that you and your family are well and enjoying 2006
I forgot to mention that Pascha has gotten quite big with long legs - he is a little over 20 pounds and about 17 inches high (another tough thing to do is measure him, he tries to eat the measuring tape). Lauren and I laugh because he was the smallest of the litter on the request page. I wonder if his siblings are bigger than that. He trains very easily too as long as there are treats involved!
Take care,
Karen Bonadies
The Beautiful ~*Bridget*~
Hi Donna,
Here are some pictures a friend took of Bridget (A Gidget Pup) with her cell phone. She's doing great. Bridget moves easily between Mom's & my place and adjusts to everything. I even took her on our first "road trip" to NYC. I'm looking forward to taking her on a longer road trip this summer. I'll stay in touch and send more pictures.
LOve to all,
Pat and Ellen
Snow Fun For ~* Sully*~
Hey Donna,
A friend of ours and two of her sons came over our house today to see how they like Sully (A Sophie Pup). They were completely bowled over by him and are going to be sending you their application very soon.
I hope all is going well down in Florida. I always love to look at the newest pictures on the website. The picture I attached is from Monday, Jan. 2. Sully went sledding with Matty and had a ball.
Take care.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Good Morning All
It sure is cold here in Florida this morning around 32 degrees!
I just had to share with you this picture of the frost we had this morning : (
We very seldom get this cold here, the dogs didn't know what to make of it..... and we had to set up a heat lamp for the goats & chickens.
I hate cold weather, it sure isn't helping my cold/cough I have had for over two weeks now.
Due to not feeling well, I have been behind in posting new pictures of the pups & up-dates - Sorry!
Have A Great Day : )
Friday, January 06, 2006
Happy New Year ~*Toby Lieber*~
Hi Donna, It was great to hear from you. Happy New Year to you and your family. We hope that you enjoyed your holiday and we hope that you're all doing well.
We're all doing well here including wonderful Toby (A Lucky Pup). We're having so much fun with him and he is such a special part of our family. He's quite a big boy at 25 lbs. I think that's pretty big for a Schnoodle. He's very playful and especially likes children and other dogs. Toby loves going to the dog park. He's also a real mama's boy and follows me around every where. I want to also mention how smart Toby is. He knows so many tricks and follows many commands. We think he could be a circus dog.
We're very happy that Toby has come into our lives and has given our family so much joy. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to have such a wonderful dog.
Take care.
Ellen Lieber