Monday, October 24, 2005

The Adorable ~* Skippy *~

Hello there, I just wanted to send you an e-mail, with an update on Skipper (He is a Pup from Sophie's latest litter). He is great!!!!!!!! We just love him. We took him to the vet on Thurs. they said he was a great puppy. Our vet was impressed with all the records you had on him. My children our having a ball with him. He loves to play. He chews on everything so we have to have a chew toy around him always. He loves the nylobone. He will chew one down to practicallly nothing within minutes. Do you have any suggestions on other chew toys for him? I bought him a "velvet gnarly dog chew" the brand name is Booda. I haven't given it to him yet, because I wasn't sure if it was safe. There wasn't a number on the back to call. If you know which one I am talking about, could you let me know. I will hold on to it until I know if it is safe. He is eating very well. Twice a day, a half cup each feeding. He still likes a little water in his food. Is that o.k.? We are still feeding him the same food you gave us, our vet agreed with it also. He is doing well with the potty traing. He actually sniffs by the door already. Anyway, don't want to go on forever, we just are so happy with him, and once again we thank you for the" perfect match" for our family!
Michelle Kwolek

A few Tips that I sent to Michelle to help with Skippy's teething:
What I use for teething puppies is a piece of frozen bagel (they love to knaw on it and it helps with the teething pain), you might also try a frozen dish towel tied into a knot, a kong toy with peanut butter stuffed inside keeps them busy too.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

~* The Sensational "Sully" *~

Hi Donna,
Steve just downloaded some new pictures of Sully, a.k.a. The Fuzzbuster! (A pup from Sophie's lattest litter)

He has brought so much light into our lives because he has the sweetest personality. Sully is so much a part of our lives now. It's hard to remember what life was like before he came home to us. I think the only thing that will be hard, so to speak, is housetraining, otherwise he is the best gift we could have ever asked for. My mom just glows when she holds him and he is such company for her when we are out of the house. Sully loves to curly up in her lap and she will rock him for hours while he sleeps. Watching him and Matty together is just hysterical. They try to figure out what the other is doing and all mayhem breaks loose. It's really funny watching those two go at it.

Congratulations on all your new litters. They look absolutely beautiful. If we ever hit the lotto, we'll be contacting you again to add to our family. We couldn't have asked for a better puppy and thank you for being such a great person to deal with.

Take care and look for more pictures in the future.


Saturday, October 22, 2005

The Lovely ~*LuLu*~

Donna -
Thought you might want to see "our little girl, LuLu"

(LuLu is a Nikita Pup)
as she has grown up. As you can see, she is doing well and has been a wonderful addition to our family. Earlier this year she gave us all quite a scare when she became very ill one weekend in June. A late night rush to the emergency room at our local animal hospital indicated she had eaten something (from the yard) that really made her sick. Anyway, she was back on her feet in a day or two with no side effects. She still has the energy of a puppy and loves all the attention she gets from anyone who stops to visit.
Karen and Kyle McGonigle

P.S - We have had a pretty wet and hot summer and mushrooms were growing faster than we could get rid of them. We think she got a mushroom !!!

Looking at your website you've been busy. All the new pups look great......
After reading the LuLu up-date,
I just wanted to add this list of items that will make a dog sick if eaten:

staggering, laboured breathing, vomiting, diarhea, abdominal pain, tremours, fever, heart rate increase, arrythmia, seizures, coma, death
Coffee / Cocoa
staggering, laboured breathing, vomiting, diarhea, abdominal pain, tremours, fever, heart rate increase, arrythmia, seizures, coma, death
Hemolytic Anemia, laboured breathing, liver damage, vomiting, diarhea, discoloured urine
abdominal pain, drooling, liver damage, kidney damage, vomiting diarhea, convulsions, coma, death
Grapes / Raisins
vomiting, diarhea, abdominal pain, lethargy
stomach upset, lethargy, shock, death
stomach upset, liver failure, lethargy, shock, death
stomach upset
Calla Lily
stomach upset, mouth irritation, asphyxiation, seizures, Death
Christmas Rose
stomach upset, diarhea, convulsions
skin irritation
Daffodil (bulb)
stomach upset, tremours, seizures, lethargy, heart Failure, Death
Easter Lily
stomach upset, kidney failure
stomach upset, tremours, seizures, lethargy, heart Failure, Death
Hyacinth (bulb)
varied effects
Iris (root)
stomach upset
seizures, respiratory failure
Morning Glory
stomach upset, hallucinations
stomach upset, staggering, tremours, seizures, heart failure, death
stomach upset, staggering, tremours, seizures, heart failure, death
stomach upset, mouth irritation
stomach upset
Tulip (bulb)
varied effects
Apple (stem and leaves)
shock, mouth inflammation, rapid increase in breathing
Yew (American, English, Western)
Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain
Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain
Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain
Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain
Wild Cherry
Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain
Japanese Plum
Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain
Ficus(Cuban Laurel)
stomach upset
rapid breathing, shock, mouth inflammation, heart rate increase
Balsam Pear
Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain
Ficus Lyrata (Fiddle-Leaf)
stomach upset, irritated skin
Varied effects
Philodendron (Devil's Ivy)
upset stomach, convulsions, asphyxiation, death
English Ivy
stomach upset, hyperactivity, laboured breath, drooling, Fever, thirst increase, pupil dilation, staggering
convulsions, death
pupil dilation, upset stomach, drooling, heart failure
Matrimony Vine
varied effects
Virginia Creeper
varied effects
Asparagus Fern
vomiting, respiratory problems, kidney failure, tremours, abdominal pain
mouth irritation, stomach upset, asphyxiation, tremours, seizures, death
Colocasia (Elephant's Ear)
mouth irritation, stomach upset, asphyxiation, tremours, seizures, death
Deiffenbachia (Dumb Cane)
mouth irritation, stomach upset, asphyxiation, tremours, seizures, death
Philodendron (Saddle Leaf, Split Leaf)
Mouth swelling, irritation
mouth irritation, stomach upset
Mum (Pot and Spider)
Skin irritation
Umbrella Plant
vomiting, respiratory problems, kidney failure, tremours, abdominal pain
Aloe Vera
Varied effects

Thursday, October 20, 2005

~* A Proud Mom Moment : ) * ~

I just had to share with you all my
"Proud Mom Moment"!
Here is a picture of my son Kristopher,
Being awarded the:
~*Football Player of the Week* ~
by his football coaches !
We are all so proud of him : )

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Shelby Joins KC

Here are a few pictures of Shelby & KC Ross.
Shelby is a Sophie pup who just joined the Ross family last week, The Ross family already have a "Town and Country Schnoodle" - KC (a Cookie pup). One of the first things Tom said on the phone after dropping off Shelby was "What a beautiful dog KC is"! The family says the two ladies are getting along just great : )