~* Henley*~ Up-date

Dear Donna,
Sorry we have not been in touch....I am sure you know how it goes! Henley ( A Jazabelle Pup) is doing fine as you can see from the attached pictures. We have had some differences of opinion as to who is boss, however, with the puppy class he is attending I think he is beginning to realize that he is not in charge of the humans!
He is the sweetest (most of the time) little darling and we are very thrilled to call him ours. Everyone who sees him falls in love with him. I will take him tomorrow to have his third set of shots and discuss having him neutered. I am hoping they can do this early next week so that he will be happy to return to his next puppy class on Sunday.
As you can see by the attached photos, he is growing nicely and is a beautiful puppy. He is full of energy and loves nothing more than going out with the kids to play. Frankly I think it is too cold but he and the kids seem to love playing outside. I cannot believe how fast he learns things. He can do so many things and of course the treat he gets helps to motivate him but he is one smart puppy! He loves to chew on everything and I say this as I have just removed a screwdriver from his mouth...where he found that I will never know.
Anyway, in closing I just want to say thank you again for blessing us with such a wonderful addition to our family.
Take care and best to you all, Gloria Radin
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