Saturday, July 05, 2008

Happy 1st. Birthday ~*Casey*~!!!!!!!

Dear Donna,
One year ago this week, Tom & Kris brought Casey to me. Your car was in the shop, so you rented one so I would not be disappointed! Casey is the joy of my life. He is loved by all - humans & animals alike. Casey is healthy, happy, and loves having his nanny (Alma) here to entertain him while I am working (I work at home). You started him off in life so wonderfully, I can never thank you enough.I am attaching 3 photos. One is with his giraffe, Lily. As you can see, he likes to lie across her. He also likes to pull her head down by her ear when he is rambunctuous, sit on her back and be pulled around, and eat his larger pieces of dry food off her back legs. I bought Lily for my friend's daughter (in another picture), but had to get another for her when Casey fell in love with Lily. He loves his smaller stuffed animals - I was surprised he "took" to her. One of the photos is at his 1st birthday party in April, and he is posed with my friend's daughter in his favorite position in the other.Casey and I are working on a 1st year surprise for you, which should be coming next week.Not a day goes by that I do not think of you. I hope you and your family are well. Please write and let me know how all of you are doing....
Love from us,
Patty & Casey

Sweat Heart ~*Snoots*~ Up-Date

Hi Donna,

Here are some pictures of Snoots. She's going in to be spayed a week from today. She's still small, but very fast, smart, sweet, and sassy. A little devil when she wants and the sweetest little baby when she wants. We all love her so much.

Cute As Buttons ~*Molly*~ & ~*Sophie*~ Up-Date

Hi Donna,

How are you all doing? Bob ann I are doing great and just loving our little Sophie and Molly to pieces. They love going for rides in the car. They chill out
within seconds of pulling out of the driveway. Sophie has gotten quite tall , while Molly is the more petite of the 2. They have been to the vet a couple of times
for their routine puppy stuff and Sophie weighs in at 6 lbs 5 oz and Molly is 5 lbs. Molly has quite a bit of brown in her, like chocolate, and I just love
the color, plus she has an amazing disposition. I can really see Spencer in her and I tell her all the time she looks like her daddy. Having had a schnauzer
I can see my Sara in Sophie, they have similiar personalities. Molly lets Sophie have her way most of the time. They really have a great time together and
are always looking for each other to play with or hang out. with I know getting 2 together can be a challenge but now that we have both of them we can't
imagine one without the other. They are so close and so cute together . They truly are entertaining.

Can you tell we are just crazy about these 2 little loves that have joined us.

How are Tom and Kristopher doing ? If they have to come north with your next adoptions at least the weather will be better for them.
How are your expectant pups doing? I am always looking at your site for updates. We still haven't take the girls out too much , as the vet says after
they get all of their shots, around 16 weeks would be a safe time, So we have held back "exposing " them. but we will show them off in public a lot more
soon, so hopefully down the road a bit some future adoptions will come out of us showing off the beautiful puppies you have at Town and Country.

The vet says we can have their hair cut in a couple of weeks after their last puppy visit for their last set of shots. Their hair is getting long, but since
we still have had some chilly weather it is a good thing they still have their long ( hair) coats on.

I have attached a couple of updated pics of "the girls"

Take care, and I hope all is well with all of you..

Please keep in touch when you have a spare minute

Dee :)

Mr. Agility ~* Bear *~ Up-Date

Hi Donna,
Just a little update on Bear. He is the love of our lives! He finished his canine good citizen class and did great!! We are now doing a basic agility and obedience class and he just took right to it. He went thru the tunnel in two tries and didn't mind the tetering board at all. I am having such a good time with him and he is so good with it all. He is still a devil at home with grabbing shoes and laundry and having to chase him for it and gets a little nippy at bedtime but then settles right down and sleeps til I get up. I can't praise your breeding and starting off these pups so well enough. I hope all is well with you folks .
Will keep in touch.

~* Sadie Machos*~ Up-Date

Hi Donna,

I just wanted to let you know that Sadie was spay yesterday and I am putting the paperwork in the mail to you so keep an eye out for it.

She is doing very well.

Kevin & Lauren Machos

Marvelous ~*Miles*~ Up-Date

Hello Donna,
I want to give you an update on Miles (Delilah Pup #5 born on 4-10-07). We celebrated his birthday with a trip for icecream.

Miles is wonderful! He earned is Canine Good Citizenship in March '08. I find it very rewarding to be in training with him and he loves the agility training the most. He acts like it's recess time when that part of class begins. Racing through the tunnel is his favorite part.

Here are a few pictures of Miles. He definetely has his father's features. His hair is still very soft and his brown color remains strong.


~*Lucky Bear Greenier*~ Up-Date

Good Evening,
I finally had an opportunity to upload all of my photos last night and wanted to send you a picture of Lucky Bear Greenier. He was just neutered on Monday but came through like a champ. I loved when the vet said,"Make sure he doesn't jump for 2 days, at least". I thought to myself clearly you have never had a schnoodle! All Lucky does is run and jump. We have one of the tall 4 poster beds and he jumps on it and has for about 4 weeks. Even though he is only 8 pounds, he is able to jump high than most dogs twice his side. Please enjoy Lucky's close-up. He was groomed for the 1st time last week and he looks so grown up now (22 weeks)!!!

Thanks and Take Care,
The Greenier's