Thursday, October 25, 2007

Smarty Pants ~*Pork Chop*~ Up-date


Good morning. I wanted to give you an update. Pork Chop is adjusting to our house great. She went to the vet tuesday. She checked out good. She is eating and drinking great. We love her.

She has been going potty outside great. The only accident she has had inside was when Tom dropped her off. It is truely amazing. She even makes it all night and is enjoying her crate already. She wines for a few minutes but she is doing great. It only took her 2 days. She is a really smart.

She has taken over our house. She has toys everywhere. She is very happy and just wants to play all day long. She really likes playing with our cat (gizmo). The first few days they were scared of each other, but now they are best friends.

I will update you with pictures when she starts growing more. Attached is a video of pork chop, hope you enjoy it.

Thank you,


Hi Donna,I think Brian has already written to you, but I justwanted to reiterate how much we love her!! She definitely has lots of energy and gets us up earlier than usual, but we're all adjusting without anyproblems. She's so much fun and SO smart, we can hardly believe how smart she is!!! Thanks so much.
Take care,