Best of Pals ~*Rufus*~ & ~*Molly*~ Up-Date

Hi Donna!
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods! I had sent an email ages ago but I guess it got lost during the "puppy invasion" in your home a few months ago. It must seem quiet in your home now compared to what you endured! I'm including some pics of Rufus (Rainbow 2/07) & one of Molly Muratore (Lucky 10/06). They travel with me everyday on my rounds to all of my customers homes visiting all the other dogs! They are the best of friends! You really can't see the size difference in this picture but Rufus is about 25 lbs and Molly's just over 10 lbs! He's a big boy! The other picture is of Rufus & my black lab, Lickerish. They really love each other. Rufus is so smart. He sits up and begs, waves hello & does a "high five" when asked. He also knows all of his basic commands as well. Having Rufus has been such a blessing, it has allowed my son to get closer to Lickerish as well. Alec has really been "hands on" with all of the daily care of the animals. I'm very proud of him, even though he's only 10, he's a very responsible pet owner. Rufus also plays with our cat, Flora Dora! They "box" each other! They both stand on their hind legs and "smack" one another! They also chase each other around the house! Flora actually chases Rufus! But then Rufus turns around the chases Flora! It's really funny to watch. Thank you again! Anytime you need a reference, let me know!
Take Care! Kristie Intondi
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