Handsome Man ~*Miles*~ Up-Date

Dear Donna and Family,
We wanted to give you an update on Miles, (Deliliah #5). What a pleasure! He's everything like you described. He loves people, especially children, and other dogs. He's done excellent at the vet and during his first grooming. The groomer was skeptical about being able to do his body, but commented afterward how well-behaved he was.
My husband, who never had a pet while growing up, was reluctant about bringing a dog into our family, but now that has all changed. When I mentioned that you still had two puppies his first thought was adopting another. That says a lot about how Miles has changed my husband's attitude about having a pet dog. His 81 year old mother who never liked dogs actually requested to hold Miles. And of course, Miles gave her kisses...and she didn't object. She actually was excited.
My boys really love Miles and vice versa. Miles can't wait for them to get up in the morning. When he gets the chance he escapes from the kitchen and runs upstairs to their room.
Training is going well. I've read several books and had my family watch a DVD to get us all working together right away. The commands we are working on now include: Sit, Down, Up, Wait, Aqui ("here" in Spanish), Leave it, and Banos ("bathroom" in Spanish).
I've found an excellent person to watch Miles when we are away for the day or overnight. Plus, he gets to play with other dogs. We left him there for a day and he had such a good time playing that he went to bed early and slept late. That was a treat for me too!
I've recommended you and passed your web-site onto others as they inquire about schnoodles. You and your family do a wonderful job breeding these dogs! Miles is proof of this.
(I've included some photos of Miles before and after his first haircut.)
Thank you,
Dawn Roman
We wanted to give you an update on Miles, (Deliliah #5). What a pleasure! He's everything like you described. He loves people, especially children, and other dogs. He's done excellent at the vet and during his first grooming. The groomer was skeptical about being able to do his body, but commented afterward how well-behaved he was.
My husband, who never had a pet while growing up, was reluctant about bringing a dog into our family, but now that has all changed. When I mentioned that you still had two puppies his first thought was adopting another. That says a lot about how Miles has changed my husband's attitude about having a pet dog. His 81 year old mother who never liked dogs actually requested to hold Miles. And of course, Miles gave her kisses...and she didn't object. She actually was excited.
My boys really love Miles and vice versa. Miles can't wait for them to get up in the morning. When he gets the chance he escapes from the kitchen and runs upstairs to their room.
Training is going well. I've read several books and had my family watch a DVD to get us all working together right away. The commands we are working on now include: Sit, Down, Up, Wait, Aqui ("here" in Spanish), Leave it, and Banos ("bathroom" in Spanish).
I've found an excellent person to watch Miles when we are away for the day or overnight. Plus, he gets to play with other dogs. We left him there for a day and he had such a good time playing that he went to bed early and slept late. That was a treat for me too!
I've recommended you and passed your web-site onto others as they inquire about schnoodles. You and your family do a wonderful job breeding these dogs! Miles is proof of this.
(I've included some photos of Miles before and after his first haircut.)
Thank you,
Dawn Roman
Sorry about not getting you photos sooner. We were on vacation. I found a fantastic place to take care of Miles. A women cares for dogs in her home. She offers day care as well as overnight. Miles did fantastic. Being crate trained is the best. He loved being with other dogs. She thought he might be mad at us after leaving him, but I only noticed that he was a little calmer. He wasn't crashing the cardboard barrier trying to gain access to the family room.
He continues to be fantastic with people. And he listens extremely well for treats. I'm considering getting more training in order to teach him the more difficult things. Any tips on training Miles not to enter one of our rooms? It has leather sofas and an area rug, which unfortunately he has peed on when he snuck into the room through the cardboard barrier. My vision is for him to stay on the tile floor and not enter that room.
I recommended you to someone I met at the football field. She contacted you, but since you weren't bringing puppies up North at this time she had to look elsewhere. I saw her last week and she said they had just gotten a schnoodle. I'm anxious to see it.
The pictures include some taken a week after Miles was with us (with his long hair). Then I took some in July a month later with his haircut. And lastly, his tired mid day look that I took today.
Sorry about not getting you photos sooner. We were on vacation. I found a fantastic place to take care of Miles. A women cares for dogs in her home. She offers day care as well as overnight. Miles did fantastic. Being crate trained is the best. He loved being with other dogs. She thought he might be mad at us after leaving him, but I only noticed that he was a little calmer. He wasn't crashing the cardboard barrier trying to gain access to the family room.
He continues to be fantastic with people. And he listens extremely well for treats. I'm considering getting more training in order to teach him the more difficult things. Any tips on training Miles not to enter one of our rooms? It has leather sofas and an area rug, which unfortunately he has peed on when he snuck into the room through the cardboard barrier. My vision is for him to stay on the tile floor and not enter that room.
I recommended you to someone I met at the football field. She contacted you, but since you weren't bringing puppies up North at this time she had to look elsewhere. I saw her last week and she said they had just gotten a schnoodle. I'm anxious to see it.
The pictures include some taken a week after Miles was with us (with his long hair). Then I took some in July a month later with his haircut. And lastly, his tired mid day look that I took today.
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