Cutie Pie ~*Casey*~ Up-Date

Dear Donna,
Well, I just went to my spam file to review & delete, and I found this wonderful e-mail from you re: hurricane advice! On occasion, aol dumps some mail in there that should not be there - so sorry. I certainly appreciate the information - it never would have occurred to me to have his papers with me. It is very unlikely that I would leave my house: I have shutters for the windows, the house is elevated 10 feet, and the upstairs is 20 feet up. I have a small generator, food, water, battery lamps, tv & fans, first aid kit, etc. And if all else fails, I have another house that is inland and not in a flood zone. Again, thank you for being so thoughtful.The new sod on the side of the house finally took root so I could have it sprayed for whatever "varmints" might have come with it. Yesterday was Casey's first day out, and he had a ball! I got a doggie treadmill for him for the days we have inclement weather - he loves his exercise!!! Prior to the new sod being laid, he had to settle for fetching and running in the main hall, which is quite long, but tiled.Well, Casey is up to 10.2 lbs. Next week he gets his rabies shot (I did not want it given with the routine puppy shots), and 2-3 weeks later he will get neutered. He is still as adorable and loving as ever. And, he has no problem jumping up on the window seat next to my computers to bark and let me know he wants attention!! How many babies do you have at home now? I hope you are getting some rest - as I have said to you before, I do not know how you manage!! I am attaching a picture of Casey with his nanny, Alma. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and your brood. Stay well, and I shall write soon.
As always,Patty
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