Cute as a button ~*Casey*~ Up-date

He is a wonderful puppy, and I cannot tell you how much I love him. His personality is really coming to the fore, and it is delightful!! He is happy (I think!), full of energy and really is not spoiled (too much) despite his having a nanny. He actually likes being brushed and riding in the stroller (will not put him on the floor at the vet's office-even took his pup-head with us!). When his shots are done, we will start outside - I am having the side and back yard redone for him. There are cedar chips, and leaves, etc. and he puts everything in his mouth!! All the trees and shrubs are coming out and being replaced with grass.Casey takes his healthy edibles bones the moment he gets them and "hides" them - of course half of them are in my bed! It is so funny to watch him "bury" them - gee, you'd think we starved him and he had to horde his food!! I have him on Life's Abundance food - he loves it. And me? - I am practicing being the pack leader - the Big Alpha!! Not really me - but I know it is better for Casey.I'm sending some pictures - the woman with the stethescope is Casey's vet, Dr. Jennifer Kern. He weighs 8.6 lbs now!! I tease Casey and call him "poodle face" (takes after his Dad) - hope he has the poodle brain!!! Considering how quickly he learns, I suspect he does.How are you managing with your pups? I had forgotten how much energy it takes for one - my gosh, I don't know how you do it!! And, I can tell from the way Casey is with people that he got a lot of special TLC from you! If anyone ever needs a reference from you, let me know!!!!! I got the cutest little schnoodle thing for you last week, which I have finally gotten into a box and will mail tomorrow. You probably already have one...I will keep in touch-hope you will, too. Again, I can never thank you enough for enabling me to have this wonderful boy in my life.As always,Patty
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