Cutie Pie Casey Up-Date

Dear Donna,
Casey is the cutest, smartest, most trusting, quickest-moving puppy I have ever known! He goes up and down his pet steps like a pro, comes when you call, has learned to use his ramp to get into the lower part of the house, and will potty in the correct place about 80% of the time. Of course, the most important thing is the love he showers on me, and how he loves to be cuddled. And those eyes!!! My gosh can he run! I'm glad I spent so long ensuring that the house was safe - he can zip out of sight in a split second... It has been fun watching him go all around to explore every "nook and cranny". He has made himself right at home, which is just what this is - his home. I can certainly see how he got up on your sofa - he is a climber!!! I've ordered some more steps for the furniture in the living and family rooms, and have put pillows on the floor all around the furniture until they arrive, just in case I am not quick enough to get to him. The love, attention, and care you must have given him is so apparent - anyone who gets a puppy from you will surely be nothing but ecstatic.Every dog I have ever had has been afraid of thunder - and fireworks! Not Casey... Thunder does not distress him - and the fireworks were quite loud here (shooting from the water near my house). He did not "blink an eye" - I could hardly believe it.I'll put some new batteries in my camera and send some new photos - hope you don't get overCaseyed! I will be taking him to my vet next week - she is wonderful (I'll probably send you a picture of her with Casey, too!).Hope you got the Amazon card - I do a lot of my "shopping" there.Talk soon..... Always,Patty
Casey is the cutest, smartest, most trusting, quickest-moving puppy I have ever known! He goes up and down his pet steps like a pro, comes when you call, has learned to use his ramp to get into the lower part of the house, and will potty in the correct place about 80% of the time. Of course, the most important thing is the love he showers on me, and how he loves to be cuddled. And those eyes!!! My gosh can he run! I'm glad I spent so long ensuring that the house was safe - he can zip out of sight in a split second... It has been fun watching him go all around to explore every "nook and cranny". He has made himself right at home, which is just what this is - his home. I can certainly see how he got up on your sofa - he is a climber!!! I've ordered some more steps for the furniture in the living and family rooms, and have put pillows on the floor all around the furniture until they arrive, just in case I am not quick enough to get to him. The love, attention, and care you must have given him is so apparent - anyone who gets a puppy from you will surely be nothing but ecstatic.Every dog I have ever had has been afraid of thunder - and fireworks! Not Casey... Thunder does not distress him - and the fireworks were quite loud here (shooting from the water near my house). He did not "blink an eye" - I could hardly believe it.I'll put some new batteries in my camera and send some new photos - hope you don't get overCaseyed! I will be taking him to my vet next week - she is wonderful (I'll probably send you a picture of her with Casey, too!).Hope you got the Amazon card - I do a lot of my "shopping" there.Talk soon..... Always,Patty
Dear Donna,
My vet is out of town for about 10 days, and I am reluctant to let Casey outside, even with me, until he is heartworm protected. At least 3 of the most common meds state you can give them to puppies 6 weeks of age or older. We do have the occasional mosquito here, so I am concerned. What do you use for your pups, and when do you start them on it (or when does your vet recommend). My vet has "brushed up" on schnoodles, but I do not know about her partners, so I prefer to ask you.
My vet is out of town for about 10 days, and I am reluctant to let Casey outside, even with me, until he is heartworm protected. At least 3 of the most common meds state you can give them to puppies 6 weeks of age or older. We do have the occasional mosquito here, so I am concerned. What do you use for your pups, and when do you start them on it (or when does your vet recommend). My vet has "brushed up" on schnoodles, but I do not know about her partners, so I prefer to ask you.
My Vet recomends HeartGaurd :
Casey is doing just great - he is full of energy, love, and snoops in everything. I'm sending one picture - I may never again have a clean floor - he loves it when Alma gets the broom out!. He moves so quickly, I am really having a rough time getting a picture of him awake. I have lots of him sleeping - but I already sent you one of those! Hope all is well with you and your family (including the pups). I am so happy that I have Casey - thank you. Looking forward to hearing your response re: heartworm med. Talk soon....Always,Patty
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