~*Bridget Gabriel*~ Up-Date

Dated: August 16, 2007
Hi Donna,
Just wanted to give you an update and a picture of our Bridget.Bridget now has a friend, a blind, deaf poodle named Patrick who came to us from a rescue situation.Bridget has found her courage and has decided she is the dominant dog in this house. Believe it or not, she barks at anyone and everyone she thinks doesn't belong near our house. She sounds very ferocious. But really she is a love.My mom lives with me now and takes care of Bridget and Patrick while I work. Her health is going downhill and I know when to call 911 when Bridget won't leave her side. She even jumped onto the stretcher to go with Mom. She is the best dog and is my best little friend.I've attached a picture of Bridget and Patrick. Thanks so much for a wonderful dog and my best friend.
Pat Gabriel
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