Saturday, November 04, 2006

A spectacular up-date about ~*Spanky*~

Hi Donna! We've been having difficulty getting onto your web site! We hope everything is ok and it's just a temporary computer issue!

Spanky is doing so well, we wanted to update you! He is still the most wonderful little puppy in the whole world!!! We know he's a year and a half old, but he's a little puppy to us!!! We love him to bits and cannot stand being without him, even for a minute! He, of course, knows this and takes total advantage of it! I take him everywhere with me...we start the day dropping the kids off at school...we do our daily errands--Starbucks drive thru, bank drive thru, basically any drive thru that offers him a puppy biscuit!!!...we hang out the rest of the day...we pick up the kids from school...we head to the soccer field (Gabi is Monday-Wednesday and Zach is Tuesday-Thursday) where he meets all his puppy friends...we make dinner together...and we pass out in bed from our exhausting day!!!

As the weather starts turning colder, we are definitely dreading those very early-morning and late-nite walks that he insists on! Jeff takes him out at about 5:30am and I walk him at about 9pm...very tough when it's 20 degrees and there's 2 feet of snow out there! But Spanky never seems to mind!!!

He couldn't be loved any more!!! You cannot imagine the joy he has brought to our lives!

We hope you are well and hope to hear from you soon!

--Lauren Arons