~*Buddy*~ the handsome little man up-date

Hi Donna!
Buddy (A Lucky Pup) is the greatest pup. He rarely barks but sure has a lot of spunk, especially with other dogs and puppies. He has the best social etiquette, both with people and dogs. I attribute that to your excellent upbringing in your home. He even made friends with the neighborhood bully dog who has a reputation of attacking small dogs. I took a pocket full of treats the first time they met and ever since they've been best friends. The pocket of treats sure goes a long way in the dog world! The funniest scene was Buddy meeting a cat. I guess he never saw one before. It didn't follow any of the dog rules. We started Buddy at the beginning with clicker training which worked great. Now we're in puppy class which doesn't use clicker but uses the same protocol of positive reinforcement. He understands all the basic commands and obeys them as long as there isn't something better to do.... :) We're getting there! I only wish my children were as eager to learn! Maybe they will learn from the dog. Buddy runs a lot, sleeps a lot, and eats a lot. He weighed in at 12 lbs last week.
Best wishes,
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