~* Milo *~ the love muffin Up-date

Dear Donna,
Milo (an Abigail puppy) is now over 8 months old, 20 lbs, and doing well. He was neutered last month, and is still the same happy playful puppy that my family picked up back in December 2005. The attached photos (one was taken in December - at 2 months of age, and the other is more recent - this past Memorial Day). Milo is a joy and blessing for the entire family and has helped us through our most difficult times. He has been the family cheerleader - keeping our spirits up throughout my father's illness and after his passing in February. A true city dweller, Milo doesn't like to get up out of bed before noon (he gets carried to the elevator banks), and can stay up playing well into the wee hours of the night. He goes out daily, and meets the other dogs in the neighborhood during our walks around the upper east side of Manhattan. He wants to play with everyone and kiss everyone. He doesn't bark much (except maybe at the passing pigeon on my balcony). He is well traveled, visiting my mother on Long Island and my sister in Philadelphia. He has ridden the NYC subway with me several times (in a pet carrier) - to Leashes and Lovers events, and to other destinations in the city, he has been riding in the car with a seatbelt harness, and he recently enjoyed an excursion out on a friend's motor boat. Nothing phases him - even the loudest of thunderstorms. With a wag of his tail and a kiss hello, all my troubles melt away the moment I step into my apartment after a long day at work.
Thank you,
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