L@@K who just turned 1 years old - "Sully"!!!!!!

Hey Donna,
I can't believe Sully (A Sophie Pup) is already one year old. He is absolutely the best pet we could have hoped for. The pictures I attached are from his birthday. We got him his own teddy bear and he brings it with him everywhere. I have never seen such an expressive pooch in my life. Since we shaved him down for the summer, when he gets cold at night due to the a/c, he just dives right under the covers and sleeps behind my legs or between Steve's legs. We can't figure out how he breathes down there, but he sure is content. He also has a schedule that he keeps to every night. When Steve and I are in our room watching t.v., he lays around for a while then will step on Steve's calf. This is the "I'm hungry, go get my food" sign. (Okay, he eats his dinner on our bed!). After polishing off his dog food and a great gulp of water, he walks up to the two of us and lets out the most masculine belch he can muster! .....typical guy!!!!! Next, he starts swatting Steve with his paw. This is the "Okay, it's go time" signal. He will attack Steve for over 30 minutes and keep going until he has had enough. It's absolutely hysterical to watch. During the day, if I'm in the bathroom, he barges right in and will sit there until I give him water in a Dixie cup. If I don't do it fast enough, he will get up on two feet and put his front paws on my bathroom counter and just stare at the cups! He definitely knows what he wants. My favorite time of day is when he gets wired and goes 90 around the house. It's almost like he's got a route mapped out and he just hits it. Haven't been able to catch him on video yet doing it because he's just so darn fast.
All we can say is that he is the best pup we could have ever asked for. He's sooooo smart and absolutely funny. He knows he belongs to this family.
Have a great August and I'll send more pictures soon.
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