Saturday, November 04, 2006

Happy 1st. Birthday Winston!!!!!!!

Hello Donna,

We are celebrating Winston’s 1st birthday this week. He’s an amazing dog with the sweetest disposition and lots of fun to be with. We’ve sent along a few pictures so you can see he’s still great pals with Larry the cat and he loves to lay in the backyard sizzling in the sun. Some weekends we go to the local dog park and he runs around, makes new friends, and wears himself out for the rest of the day.

He gets up at 5:30am on the week days and goes with us on our morning walks. Recently we got this great carriage so we could take him with us on our bike rides so here are photos of dad and Winston out on our Sunday ride. The first few times he went with us he cried through the entire ride – what a pain in the butt – then he started to get the hang of it and now he jumps in on his own. Lots of people on the trail love to see him going by and say hello and laugh. It’s great fun unless of course you’re the one pulling the trailer!

He’s just been such a joy – he has perfect physique and a coat of fur you can’t believe how beautiful. A thousand cowlicks we like to say.

I always recommend Town & Country Schnoodles to everyone that expresses an interest. Thanks so much for everything.

Best regards,
Lesa Wright & Ed Crawford