~* Sammy Kirkpatrick Holiday Up-Date *~

Hi Donna,
Happy Holiday's to you too. Sammy (A Lucky Pup) is doing great! He's very good with the kids. Here's a Christmas Picture taken last week. We've had a bit of snow over the last few days. Sammy has adjusted well but he always seems a little confused when he looks out the door in the morning and there is snow on the ground when there was none the day before. I took a picture last year of him after we had about a foot of snow. He seemed to enjoy it after getting used to it.
Best Wishes,
The Kirkpatricks
I know my husband Bob responded to you already about Sammy and hopefully you received the recent picture we took of him for our Xmas card. However, I couldn't resist just sending you my feelings about Sammy. I've meant to e-mail you so many times but my busy days just get away from me. Now that we have a digital camera, we will try to get you more photos on-line.Our Sammy is everything you promised and more...and he has been such a wonderful addition to our family. Although he is a bit hyper at times jumping up on folks and licking them to death, you could not ask for a cuter, sweeter or smarter dog. You should see the cool tricks he does for treats -- very impressive. He is the unofficial mascot of my girls' school too. He goes with me everyday, rain or shine, to pick them up in the car and greets every child as they leave school. Everyone knows him by name, stops to pet him and loves him. He lights up when he sees my girls come out of school --- it makes their day and his. He is also my best buddy since I spend the majority of time with him. He LOVES the car, LOVES watching things out the window from our house, LOVES running outdoors, LOVES snuggling on beds/laps and LOVES being with people. So I take him everywhere and he is so good. He really understands things and is getting calmer as time goes by. He is healthy and strong too --- 25 lbs and can run like the wind. A big Schnoodle according to the vet. He seems to really enjoy his life with us and has a lot of fun with the neighbor dogs when he has playdates. Our "Sammy the Schnoodle" is the greatest. Thanks again for entrusting him into our care. We love him and are treating him like a little king.Happy Holidays! Sue Kirkpatrick
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