~* Sully *~ The Wonder Pup

Hi Donna,
I had to send new pictures of Sully the wonder pup! (Sully is Sophie pup) Sully is now a whopping 9 pounds and is growing very well according to our vet. We had a coupon from our vet for Iams Puppy food, so I did a gradual switch and he loves it even more than his original food. In certain light, you can see the beautiful chocolate color of his father, especially behind his ears and down his back.
He has learned to fetch and he even made up a game of his own where he lays on our couch or loveseat with one of his chewbones and throws it himself. The whole objective of this game is that one of us goes and brings it back to him! What a smart little guy!! He even learned how to avoid the cold nights up here. One night about a month ago, Sully was watching t.v. with us on the bed, well Steve fell asleep and never put Sully in his crate, so now we have a furry partner with us every night. He has never had an accident on the bed. Housetraining is still going on but it's getting better and better each day.
I wish you could see him with my mom. It's almost like he knows she's older than us and behaves calmly with her. When I take Matty to school in the morning, Sully curls up with her in bed and stays with her until around 9:30 when he decides to come looking for me. He really knows how to melt our hearts. His eyes and facial expressions in general are so telling. You can always tell by his looks what he is thinking. We can't imagine a day without him now that he has found a home with us. Thanks again for giving us the best gift we could ask for.
Take care, have a safe and happy holiday season and we'll send more pictures soon.
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