Merry Christmas ~* Sully *~

Hi Donna and Family,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year right back at you! Sully (A Sophie Pup) is doing great. He's already 12 pounds now and is a lean little running machine! He's going to be neutered on January 24, so I'll send you a copy of the vet's report shortly after. Sully has fit right into our family. Everyone who meets him can't believe how smart and funny he is. They especially love the part that he doesn't shed. He has his own stocking for Christmas filled with toys and Nylabones. Matty wants Sully to get his presents first so that they can both enjoy Christmas together. I've attached some recent photos. Sully LOVES snow. The first storm was on Thanksgiving day and he never wanted to come back in. He's pretty funny looking when he digs his head into the snow and comes up looking like an old man!
Take care and have a very safe and happy holiday season.
Our best always,
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