Sweet Heart ~*Sully Harrison*~ Up-Date

Hi Donna,
Just another quick update after having Sully for a few days. He is doing so well. Everyone thinks he is just adorable. He is adapting very well to the crate...he whines a bit when he goes in, but then he'll happily snooze away.
He didn't want to eat much at first but his appetite has really kicked in. He has also started to play with our other two dogs. He and his friend Teddy like to play tug of war with their stuffed bunny. He has had very few accidents in the house. I know we have a ways to go, but Sully has had a great start!
We went to the vet on Monday and he checked out just fine. He had a booster shot and he didn't even flinch! He's already started on Heartgard and Frontline, and he gets his rabies shot in 2 weeks. We start puppy kindergarten class on Monday, and I am sure he will be the class star...he is such a friendly, sweet little boy.
How are all of his siblings adjusting to their new homes? I am eager to see updates! I attached a couple pictures of him in his new home. I will see if I can get one of us together for the adoption picture if I can get him to sit still long enough!
I hope Tom and Kelly made it home safely.
All the best,
Jill Harrison
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