The Sensational ~*Sully*~ Up-Date

Hi Donna,
I was going through some of our recent photos and found 2 cute ones of Sully. The first one, we call "Have quilt, will sleep!" He is so funny when it comes to lying down. He only gets sleepy when he is laying on a quilt. He has claimed Matty's blue baby quilt as his own. At night, he still loves to sleep under the covers. He will walk up our bed, nudge me in the face so I can lift the covers up for him then under he goes! He must have been a cave dweller in a previous life....hahahah. The other picture is of Sully with his flashlight. He loves to attack flashlights and chase the light. One time, the sun was coming through my bedroom window and my wedding ring was reflecting the light on the walls and floor.....Sully went nuts! He was barking at the little lights and chasing them all over the place. He really is hysterical.
He's also very protective. We live in a normal ranch. Well one time we had some company over and someone had to use the bathroom. Well they went past the kitchen and headed down the hall to the bathroom where our bedrooms are also and he went nuts. He barked at them because in his mind, he knew that that end of the house was our bedroom end and he was protecting the house. It was pretty funny.
My mom just adores him. He listens to everything she says and does everything she tells him. He really is smart.
Hope you are having a good winter and congratulations on your latest litter.
Suzanne Berry
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