~*Sully*~ Up-Date

Hi Donna,
I thought you would get a kick out of our latest pictures. The one with my mother-in-law we fondly call, "Okay, who's going to drink the coffee, you or me??" Sully (A Sophie Pup) steals anything we've got at lightening speed. He's such a good buy. He loves to look out our front window and chew out anything that moves. If I take him for a ride, I ask him if he wants to go with me and before I know it, it's at the door leading to our garage with his tail in full motion! He loves to pick up Matty at school and will let Matty hold him in the car seat all the way home.
Hopefully, he'll be able to have his "procedure" soon. We're going back for bloodwork on Tuesday and if it's all clear, he'll be neutered w/in the week and then I will send you a copy of the report from the vet.
Hope all is going well with your entire family. Keep our application on hand. We might be considering a little buddy form him in a year or two!
Take care!
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