~Patches~ joins the Carrithers Family

Well, I had every intention of writing as soon as we got home but the dayslipped away. Patches (A Jezabelle Pup) is great and has adjusted beautifully already. He has eaten his dry food like a chubby little puppy without any problems and even hada bath! I don't think he loved that but he was a trooper and smells much better.He loves the toys you sent with him. It is funny, my husband who was the leastthrilled with the idea of a puppy has bonded hard with the little guy alreadyand is complete mush- totally blows his disaffected doctor cover! I'm going totry to attach some pics, hope it works! Your husband and daughter were great andI hope they get home before the storm!Hey no accidents yet either!(knocking on wood as I type) Lisette Carrithers
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