Friday, December 16, 2005

~* Henley *~ (New Puppy) Up-date

Hi Donna,

How are you? Hope things are going well with the new litter. I am sure you are staying extremely busy with the new additions! Just wanted to let you know that "Henley" went for a check up today and the vet said she had never before seen such good records on a puppy as you have kept. Hats off to you! She also said we have received a good puppy and that he really looked great. Thank you for such a wonderful addition to our family. The kids are wild about him as are Jim and I.

Henley whined a little the first night and since then he has been fine. When Jim gets up at 6:00am, Henley is sitting sweetly waiting for the company. Jim takes him out and when I get up at 7:00am I feed him and when the kids get up at 7:30, they take him out again. He has had very few accidents in the house and is the sweetest little thing you could ever want.

I was concerned when he first arrived, coming from Florida to snow. Well, he seems to like the snow as he normally goes to the toilet on that rather than the areas where the sun has melted the snow and grass is showing. However, today we have had snow, sleet and now rain and I am not going to subject him to having to go out in the freezing rain, he can just go on the floor and I will get out the Murphy's Oil soap and wash it afterwards.

Donna, thanks again for such a joy, he is truly a wonderful addition to the family.

Best always, Gloria