Madame ~*Roxy*~ Up-Date
Hi Donna!
Well...Madame Roxy is now 4 and 1/2 months old and weighs 10 lbs! She is a little pork chop! If she was any cuter, I would have to eat her up!!! I'm already sucking on her little pink, fat belly!!! She was at the vets this morning for her final (thank goodness!!!) puppy shot! She got her 2nd Lyme vaccine today and her nasal Bortadella! (Yea...we're all done for a year!) She took it like a trooper and was an angel! My vet commented on how these Schnoodles just have the best temperament (Spanky jumps into the vet's arms whenever we go...couldn't care less that he's about to get a shot!) Needless to say, the entire vet's office just loves both Spanky and Roxy!
She started going "up" the stairs about 3 weeks ago but couldn't go "down" till just this week! It's so completely cute!!! She's much slower than Spanky, but she puts her mind to it and hops down the stairs! Everyday, she discovers something new that she can do! She jumped (well, we don't actually know if she jumped or fell!!!) off my bed this week, and now jumps off all the time! She can't get up, though! She stands up on the side of the bed with her little tail wagging till I pick her up! TOOOOO cute!!!
I was you know the weights of both Jezabelle and Zoe? Spanky is 14 and 1/2 lbs. and the vet is estimating that Roxy will be about 18 lbs! I recall that Spencer (both their fathers) is about 11 lbs. Just wondering if either dog will be similar in size to their parents!
Roxy will getting spayed on January 15! Poor puppy!!! I haven't told her yet! I know that she will be a complete trooper about it but will let you know just as soon as it's all over with and she's back home doing the "Schnoodle 500" with her big brother Spanky!
We are at the beginning of winter here in CT. We had our first snowfall about a week ago...only about 2 inches, but enough that both dogs were in their glory!!! They ran around is circles on the front lawn till they were covered in snow! I had to put both of them in the kitchen sink and pour warm water on them to get the snow balls off their legs! We did that for about 3 mornings! It eventually warmed up and we got a ton of rain the last 3 days that melted everything! We're waiting for the next blast!!!
I hope everything is well with you and your clan! Can't wait to see the new love muffins this spring!
Take care!
--Lauren Arons and crew!
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