A Reference Letter from Harpo's Mom (4/25/06)
This is a reference sent to an inquiring new puppy family by Harpo's mom - Marie.
Harpo is a pup from Abigail & Sunny

Dear Ms Hathaway,
I apologize in advance for a short answer to your questions. This is a very busy time for my organization and I spend my evenings at my computer working. But in a nutshell here are the answers to your questions:When I am ready for a second pet, I'll go straight back to Town and Country Schnoodle and get another one of their babies. Everything you read on their website is true. Harpo, a 15 month-old chocolate puff, is 15lbs of sweetness. He is smart (learns fast), athletic ( outruns all the Dobermans and Retrievers on the dog run because he has the light built and long legs of a poodle), sociable ( hugs all that is alive and comes near hugging distance of his front paws), and loving (would cuddle with us around the clock if we let him). He is the toast of the neighborhood. He stops traffic (literally :-)). He makes passers-by smile. In addition he seldom barks (mainly to indicate he wants to play), he doesn't shed and takes grooming and bathing very well. Did I mention that he is gorgeous and that his coat is like a silk velvet? I have nothing remotely negative to say about Town and Country Schnoodles. I don't even have an advice for you because if you just follow their guidelines, you'll be fully satisfied. Donna is available at all times. Before, during, and after the purchase of the puppy. I could go on for ever on the topic of Town and Country quality of service, but I really have to stop now. All I can say is that you will not be disappointed.
Hope that helps.
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