A Beautiful Sketch of Sammy Willcox
Here is a sketch & up-date of "Sammy" that the Willcoxes sent me -

Dear Donna,
The attached proves two things: one, we have way too much time on our hands to organize something like this, and two, we love our schnoodle.
We continue to laugh, love and marvel at Sammy's enthusiasm, smarts and sense of fun. She visited again with her half brother, Sam Kirkpatrick, and it's amazing to see two dogs running (did I say running, I meant tearing) around the yard. It was pouring rain, and although the human timing was not the best, the dogs did not seem to notice.
The attached graphite sketch is done by a women in Barto, PA (www.skmerkel.com), and she came to the house to take photos of Sammy, and then forwarded us the picture. I'm going to frame it as a surprise for my husband for father's day!
Keep up the good work...your dogs produce great pups!
more soon from the Willcoxes Courtenay
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